How To Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State?

If you’re a Section 8 beneficiary and want to know how to Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State, you’ve landed on the right page.

The prospect of moving to another state for a fresh start can be exciting for you and your family. This is the time when you can start a new life in a new place and make memories that will last a lifetime. However, the process can also be stressful.

Section 8 voucher holders who wish to move to another state should do a few things to make the process as smooth as possible.

Here are the steps to Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State.

What is Section 8?

The Section 8 program provides rental assistance to low-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities under the Housing Act of 1937. The purpose of this program is to enable these individuals to afford safe and decent housing in the private market.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds Section 8, and local housing agencies administer it. The applicant must not exceed 50% of the median income in their area to qualify.

If their application is accepted, a housing voucher covers a portion of the participant’s monthly rent. This voucher allows participants to rent any unit on the private market if it meets certain requirements, such as passing inspections and having a reasonable rent compared to unassisted units. As a result, Section 8 offers a greater choice of affordable housing than traditional public housing.

Housing is more affordable and stable in the long run because of Section 8’s rent cap that adjusts with participant income. Low-income families who live in Section 8 housing have more options for finding safe, quality housing.

Requirements For Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State

Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State (1)

Sometimes, PHAs require you to contact the PHA in your new area to obtain coverage information. A PHA might require a moving family to participate in a briefing or examine their income. You must live in the state where you received your voucher for at least one year before moving out of it. Nevertheless, a PHA may not delay a given search for housing without justification, such as by reexamining the family’s income for an additional month.

Furthermore, PHAs are encouraged to follow up on Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher recipients to assess the program’s effectiveness. The PHA may keep a log containing, among other things, information such as:

  • Participant’s name
  • The expiration date of the voucher
  • Tenancy Approval Request
  • Initial PHA name

What is A Section 8 Portability Transfer?

The portability feature of the Section 8 program is all about flexibility. The voucher program is intended to assist voucher holders who need to move for a new job, to be closer to family, or for any other reason. The program allows people to take their housing assistance almost anywhere.

People need this flexibility so that they can remain in affordable housing, no matter what happens in life. A voucher holder’s ability to move without losing housing assistance helps them pursue better job prospects or move to communities with a better quality of life. As a result, people can make the best choices for themselves and their families.

How To Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State?

How To Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State

You can Transfer A Section 8 Voucher by following these steps:

Contact Housing Authority

Your housing authority must be notified of your move before you move. Normally, it takes about a month for your voucher to be processed.

If you are still eligible for the voucher, your housing authority will check. Additionally, they will verify whether you have outstanding debts or housing problems.

Upon checking, a new voucher will be issued to you.

Your voucher cannot be processed until you have taken care of any outstanding debts or problems with your current housing.

Inform Your Landlord

A notice of your intention to move must also be sent to your landlord.

Your lease usually includes a clause outlining what conditions apply to breaking the lease. Make sure you check this to see what needs to be done. Most landlords require advance notice (usually 30 days) and a written statement before you move out.

In most cases, the Public Housing Agency will send you a transfer packet that includes a notice form that you must sign on behalf of your landlord. Those who are still renting their current apartment are not allowed to transfer their vouchers.

Housing Authority Verifies Your New Location

Your next step is to verify your new location. Housing authorities need to know where you plan to move to and verify whether a Section 8 voucher is available in the state or city you are transferring to.

The next step is to obtain the documentation you need from your new housing authority once they have verified your new location. If there is no PHA branch in your new location, you cannot move your voucher.

Send Your Documents

You will need to send all the required documentation to your current housing authority once you receive it from your new housing authority.

Your current housing authority will send a copy of all the necessary documents to your new housing authority. The following documents need to be sent to your Portability Coordinator:

  • HUD-52665
  • HUD-50058
  • Your family’s birth certificates
  • The Social Security number and card
  • Photo IDs from other sources
  • Total household income proof

Verify that all forms are correctly filled out and that all required documents are included. The process will be delayed if the forms are incomplete or incorrect.

This process usually takes around a month or two if everything goes smoothly. The new housing authority will contact you once everything has been processed. Housing authorities may require a background check or interview as part of the application process. Follow all of their instructions to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Find New Home

Once your application has been approved, it’s time to start looking for a new home for Transfer A Section 8 Voucher! Section 8 voucher holders should know that some landlords do not accept them. It is important that you confirm with the landlord whether they do before you begin looking at properties.

You can also get recommendations from friends or family. You should schedule viewings once you’ve found several houses you like. You need to notify the local housing authority once you have found the perfect new home so they can inspect it and confirm it meets all the requirements.

How Long Does It Takes To Transfer A Section 8 Voucher To Another State?

A Section 8 voucher portability transfer can take up to six months, depending on key factors.

Public Housing Agency (PHA) Responsiveness

An important factor in determining the timeline of a transfer is the efficiency of both the originating and receiving Public Housing Agencies. These are the local bodies that administer housing assistance programs. The faster they can approve and process the transfer, the quicker it will be.

Housing Market Dynamics

The availability of suitable housing at the new location greatly influences the time it takes to complete the transfer. Taking the time to find a property that qualifies for Section 8 and have it inspected and approved by the receiving PHA can be a burden in tight housing markets and with limited housing options.

Initiation Timing 

The transfer process should be started as soon as possible so that there is ample time to address any delays or issues that may arise. A smooth transition between PHAs and securing housing in the new location is dependent on early initiation.

A Section 8 voucher holder can minimize the stress associated with moving by understanding the role of PHAs and local housing market conditions.

Is It Necessary To Inform My Caseworker And Landlord That I Plan To Move?

Is It Necessary To Inform My Caseworker And Landlord That I Plan To Move

After deciding to move, you must start the Transfer A Section 8 Voucher procedure. You should start the moving process at least three months before you plan to move, and you should inform your caseworker and landlord as soon as possible.

You should determine in advance whether the new housing authority will accept your voucher. Fortunately, your caseworker can help you discover this information, as well as give you contact information for the housing authorities in the area you wish to live.

The housing authority can also direct you to the person responsible for “portability” in their staff.

Your caseworker and landlord should be notified in writing of your move-out date by email or letter. If you are having difficulty coordinating the dates of your move-out, you can ask your caseworker for assistance.

In most cases, you can get a written agreement releasing you from any upcoming rental payments. Your landlord may keep your rental deposit or sue you if you don’t get a written agreement from him.

What Can Delay Transfer A Section 8 Voucher?

There are several factors that can delay Transfer A Section 8 Voucher benefits. There can be hold-ups when it comes to administrative issues, such as slow or inefficient communication between Public Housing Agencies.

The difficulty of finding a landlord willing to accept Section 8 vouchers can also contribute to the delay, especially in areas with few participating landlords. Additionally, any mistakes or missing information can lead to further delays, especially when dealing with Landlords That Accept Section 8 Housing Vouchers.

The portability transfer process can be expedited by being proactive and making sure that all required forms are correctly completed and double-checked.

How Much Does It Cost To Transfer A Section 8 Voucher Cost?

A Section 8 portability transfer typically involves minimal costs. However, voucher holders should be prepared for expenses that the voucher may not cover. These expenses include:

  • A transfer may be subject to application fees charged by the new housing authority.
  • The tenant is typically responsible for the costs of physically moving his or her belongings to the new place.
  • At the new residence, you may be required to pay a new security deposit.
  • When moving to a new area, tenants may incur utility transfer or setup fees.
  • If the rent at the new location exceeds the voucher, the tenant may be responsible for the difference.
  • Moving costs can add up rapidly and should be factored into the budget.

Exceptions For Portability Rules

The rules regarding portability are more flexible for domestic violence survivors and people with disabilities.

Domestic Violence Exceptions

As a result of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), applicants, tenants, and program participants are protected from eviction, denial of housing assistance, and termination from the Section 8 program based on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking incidents. There is equal protection for men and women under VAWA.

There are some exceptions to portability rules for people who have survived domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Households may be allowed to:

  • Moving within the first year is a must.
  • Make sure you move before the lease expires.
  • Moving more than once within a year.

The housing authority must allow you to move if your claim is substantiated if your situation involves domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

A housing authority may accept your verbal statement or other corroborating evidence concerning your domestic violence claim, but they may also request written documentation. The housing authority must provide you with written documentation of a domestic violence complaint.

Disabilities Exceptions

Section 8 vouchers may be moved to another housing authority’s jurisdiction by persons with disabilities with reasonable accommodations.

As long as the accommodation does not impose a significant financial and administrative burden on the housing authority or alter its fundamental character, it will be considered reasonable.

A person with a disability must also show that the disability is related to their need to port their voucher to another jurisdiction. Two examples are a change in caregiver or being closer to specialized medical providers.

Contact your housing authority to learn how to request reasonable accommodations for porting to a different jurisdiction or area.

Advantages And Challenges of Transfer A Section 8 Voucher

Advantages And Challenges of Transfer A Section 8 Voucher

Even though Section 8 housing vouchers provide valuable assistance for low-income households, it’s important to consider the program’s drawbacks before deciding whether to take part.


A Section 8 membership can provide numerous advantages, such as a wider range of neighborhood choices, affordable rent, and reliable payments.

For Tenants

  • Allows tenants to choose neighborhoods based on their preferences, avoiding high-poverty neighborhoods and providing them access to potentially better schools and amenities.
  • Keeps housing affordable by automatically adjusting the subsidy amount if a tenant’s income decreases.
  • Renters can leave substandard housing and seek better accommodations because the voucher assistance program rewards landlords for maintaining and managing their properties well.

For Landlords

  • The PHA guarantees rent payments to landlords through direct deposit, reducing concerns about late or missed payments.
  • A fair market rent is one that allows landlords to receive competitive, fair market rents while participating in the program, depending on market conditions.
  • A larger tenant pool increases occupancy rates and reduces vacancy periods.


There are some difficulties associated with Section 8. A complex administrative process, availability limitations, and discrimination are all issues tenants and landlords face.

For Tenants

  • Tenants can experience challenges with landlords unwilling to accept vouchers due to negative stereotypes, even though this violates the Fair Housing Act, allowing you to pursue legal action against discriminatory landlords.
  • A scarcity of units that meet the PHA’s quality standards and fall within affordability criteria often limits tenants’ choices and causes prolonged housing searches.
  • As a tenant, you must deal with both the complexity of the initial inspection as well as recurring inspections, an extensive amount of paperwork, and stringent compliance requirements. It can be time-consuming for voucher holders to apply and deter them from doing so.

For Landlords

  • Compliance with Section 8 regulations, including property inspections, ongoing maintenance, and handling paperwork, can be challenging for landlords, who may find these tasks burdensome.
  • Apartments may not always yield high profits due to rent limitations, but Houses For Rent by Owner Accepting Section 8 Program offers landlords steady income while providing affordable housing options for tenants.
  • As a result of the time involved in conducting the required property inspections and going through the approval processes, landlords experience delays in receiving rental income.

What Are The Reasons For Denial of The Transfer A Section 8 Voucher?

  • An inability to meet the new location’s eligibility requirements, including income limits.
  • A housing cost exceeding the voucher’s payment standard.
  • A criminal background that violates the policies of the housing authority.
  • Amounts due to the housing authority or damages that have not been paid.
  • The failure to provide the necessary documentation or complete the necessary procedures.
  • A history of lease violations or program non-compliance.
  • A lack of funds or vouchers at the new location.
  • The inability to provide disabilities with the accommodations they need.
  • The applicant has an ineligible immigration status.
  • There are long waiting lists at the new housing authority.

If a transfer is denied, the voucher holder has the right to request an informal hearing. Any additional information or documentation that could overturn the decision must be gathered and understood.


How Are Section 8 Voucher Amounts Determined?

A local housing authority determines Section 8 voucher amounts based on family size, income, and rental prices in the area. Vouchers cover a portion of rent, usually 30% of family income.

What Happens To My Section 8 Voucher If The Portability Transfer Takes Longer Than Expected?

When transferring vouchers, it is crucial to maintain communication with both the current and receiving PHAs. A current PHA may grant extensions when necessary, but voucher holders should remain vigilant about their status to avoid any assistance interruption.

Can I Search For Housing Before Approval of Transfer A Section 8 Voucher?

The housing search for voucher holders should begin as soon as they decide to move. Nevertheless, they should remember that the receiving PHA must approve the new unit, and the house must pass a health and safety inspection. Although it can be advantageous to start your search early, you should stay in close contact with the PHAs during this time.

How Will I Know When My Section 8 Portability Transfer Is Complete?

A PHA that receives a Section 8 voucher will confirm completion of the transfer process in writing once the process has been completed successfully. The voucher holder will be notified that they are now under the jurisdiction of the new PHA, and they will handle any further housing assistance communications.


The short version is that receiving housing benefits allows you to move out of state. Still, you need to research, live in your current PHA for at least one year, and ensure all the necessary paperwork is prepared so that the port-out process runs smoothly.